
PHP7.1 Feature/Incompatible 升級注意事項

PHP 從 7 的問世後,後續更新速度很快, 讀了一下 7.0 到 7.1 PHP 官方升級文件 做個筆記, 這邊列出對於開發常見項目的 Feature 做簡述:


Symmetric array destructuring

  • 用一個 foreach 支援印出二維陣列
  • 可以用 list 以及 shorthand [] 兩種表示法
$data = [
    [1, 'Tom'],
    [2, 'Fred'],

// list() style
list($id1, $name1) = $data[0];

// [] style
[$id1, $name1] = $data[0];

// list() style
foreach ($data as list($id, $name)) {
    // logic here with $id and $name

// [] style
foreach ($data as [$id, $name]) {
    // logic here with $id and $name

Class constant visibility

  • Class 內的 constant 可以決定 Visibility
class ConstDemo
    const PUBLIC_CONST_A = 1;
    public const PUBLIC_CONST_B = 2;
    protected const PROTECTED_CONST = 3;
    private const PRIVATE_CONST = 4;

// public / protected / private

Multi catch exception handling

  • 支援在同一個 catch 內捕捉多組 Exception type
try {
    // some code
} catch (FirstException | SecondException $e) {
    // handle first and second exceptions

Support for keys in list()

  • 可以在 array 的表示式內如 list()shorthand [] 指定 key 來賦值
$data = [
    ["id" => 1, "name" => 'Tom'],
    ["id" => 2, "name" => 'Fred'],

// list() style
list("id" => $id1, "name" => $name1) = $data[0];

// [] style
["id" => $id1, "name" => $name1] = $data[0];

// list() style
foreach ($data as list("id" => $id, "name" => $name)) {
    // logic here with $id and $name

// [] style
foreach ($data as ["id" => $id, "name" => $name]) {
    // logic here with $id and $name

Support for negative string offsets

  • String 的 index offset 支援負數

var_dump(strpos("aabbcc", "b", -3));
string (1) "e"

Backward incompatible changes

Throw on passing too few function arguments

  • 以前如果沒有傳入對應的參數會噴出 Warning 做提示,7.1 升級成更嚴謹的 Error exception.
function test($param){}
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function test(), 0 passed in %s on line %d and exactly 1 expected in %s:%d

error_log changes with syslog value

The empty index operator is not supported for strings anymore

  • If the error_log ini setting is set to syslog, the PHP error levels are mapped to the syslog error levels

The empty index operator is not supported for strings anymore

  • 替 string 設置空的 index operator (e.g. $str[] = $x) 現在將會噴 fatal error


$foo = '';

$foo[] = 'bar';
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings

7.0 到 7.1 的異動實在是有點多,還是看官網吧 ╮(╯◇╰)╭