
ES Merge multiple indices in one by reindex API

如何透過 ES Reindex API 以及 alias 搭配不停機 indices 合併?

首先,確保你的環境寫入是針對 Alias Target 做寫入,這樣就可以在後面隨便你搞不停機。

  • 讓 Alias 指向一個全新的 indices 做線上串流寫入
  • 建立新的 indices 作為你要合併的 Destination
  • 透過 reindex 進行多 indices 合併,同時如何進行加速
  • 檢查 reindex 進行的狀態
  • 完成後把為了加速的設定改回來(設定 Replica 會造成 YELLOW Status)

1. Check the new version indices with right provided name

GET _cat/indices?v&s=index
GET _cat/indices/qlog-fff*?v&s=index

2. Check the index and aliaes create or not

GET _cat/aliases/qlog-fff*?v&s=alias
GET _alias

3. Change is_write_index pointer from the old to the new one.

POST /_aliases
    "actions" : [
            "add" : {
                 "index" : "qlog-fff-202104-1",
                 "alias" : "qlog-fff-202104",
                 "is_write_index" : false
            "add" : {
                 "index" : "qlog-fff-202104-0408-1",
                 "alias" : "qlog-fff-202104",
                 "is_write_index" : true

4. Create the new index for reindex merge target

PUT qlog-f-vbs-202104-0000-1/
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "number_of_shards": 2,  // Change here depends on your case
      "number_of_replicas": 0,
      "refresh_interval": "-1"
Speed Up Reindex
  • set the number_of_replicas to 0
  • set refresh_interval to -1
  • More, check the number_of_shards case by case (calculate the total indices after merging)

5. Do reindex for merging indices

POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=false&slices=auto&refresh=false
  "source": {
    "index": ["qlog-fff-202105-000002", "qlog-fff-202104-1"],
    "size": 5000
  "dest": {
    "index": "qlog-fff-202104-0000-1"
Speed Up Reindex
  • Set the batch size
  • use sliceing action to run reindex with multiple threads

6. Check reindex status

GET _tasks?detailed=true&actions=*reindex

7. Recover the settings for the new indcies

GET qlog-fff-202104-0000-1/_settings
PUT qlog-fff-202104-0000-1/_settings
  "index": {
  "refresh_interval": null,
  "number_of_replicas": 1

After reindex action, set the refresh_interval and replica back

8. Delete old indices

    GET _cat/snapshots/cs-automated?v&s=start_epoch:desc
    GET _snapshot/cs-automated/2021-04-08t08-50-34.1efe36ab-ed7d-4dc7-b160-6014453d8774

    DELETE qlog-fff-202104-1
    DELETE qlog-fff-202105-000002

Check the snapshot or not before deletion